We know almost everyone gives their car to service centers and no one service their car at home, so you don't need to know how to maintain your car. But there comes responsibility if you own a car, knowing all these technical things will help you in the emergency situations and can also save your money and time. If you know this and do this right from the beginning only then you are unlikely to get in such an emergency situation.
1. Engine Coolant
Coolant is used to maintain the working temperature of an engine. Therefore it is very important to maintain the right level and quality of it. When we take our car to service centers, we often told by the service advisor that they have topped up the coolant in our car. That means they have added the extra coolant in order to maintain its level to the top. If the level of coolant falls below the mark, then there is a shortage of coolant to engine whenever it is required. This may increase the overall temperature of the engine and adversely affect the overall engine life.

As it is important to maintain the right quantity of coolant in an engine, it is also very important to maintain the right quality of it. By quality, I mean the proper proportion of water and coolant in the engine. The chances of this proportion getting affected are when we ourself top up the coolant (if necessary while checking) before those long road trips. And generally, by doing so we use only water and no coolant. It is completely ok to use only water while topping up if the difference is less, but if we practice this frequently then the coolant will get diluted which can the affect the coolant circulation system.
Lets first talk about the effects caused if the proper quantity is not maintained.
If the required quantity is not maintained then the engine will get less supply of coolant which will result in improper heat transfer and overheating of the engine and hence will affect the engine life.
But if the quality (proportion of coolant and water) is not maintained then it will affect the entire cooling system of the engine. If the proportion of water increases then after some time the color of the coolant changes to brownish which indicates the internal corrosion of the cooling system.
Nowadays the radiator is made up of M.S (mild steel) which can get corrode easily if contacted with water. Therefore we use coolant with water in order to avoid the corrosion of the cooling system.
Do not open the radiator's cap when the engine is hot.
If your car has this kind of setup, then you can open the yellow cap on the reservoir even if the car's engine is hot, but you can't open the silver cap (radiator cap) with a yellow sticker when the engine is hot.
But if your car doesn't have the radiator cap and only has the reservoir cap, then do not open it when the engine is hot.
2. Engine Oil
We have to maintain the adequate engine oil level here, the excess or shortage of engine oil will create big problems for the engine in the future. Oil is used to provide proper lubrication between the moving parts of the engine. In order to have a smooth running engine, one must check the level and quality of the engine oil periodically and ensure it, to be of required quality as well as quantity. In order to check the oil level of the engine, the dip stick is provided. There are 2 dots on the dip stick as shown in the picture. The level of the oil must be touching the upper point on the dip stick, but should not exceed that point. The oil level little below that point is acceptable. But oil level below the lower point is not at all acceptable.

For Petrol engine, the color of the oil is amber color, if the color changes to dark then its time to change the oil. In the case of a diesel engine, one has to check the smoothness of the oil by rubbing it between figures. Although every company mentions the schedule changing of engine oil according to the time and Kms driven.
How to check?
- Locate the dip stick handle in the cars engine bay.
- Remove the stick and clean the oil on the stick by clean cloth.
- Insert it back into the engine and remove the stick again.
- Now you can read the level of the oil.
- Insert it back.
When to change?
You have to change the oil as per prescribed by your car's manufacturer, by comparing either Kms drove or time (both from the last oil change date)
Usually, the changing limit is after every 10,000 to 15,000 Kms OR 1 year
That means if your car is just 5000kms driven, but its been 1 year since your last oil change date, then also you have to change it. Many of us avoid changing in such situation thinking that the car has been driven less than the limit, but it's not like that, you have to see the time as well and vice-versa.
The quantity of oil to be filled is mentioned in the car's owner manual, please fill only that much oil. Some people have a misconception of filling the oil till it comes to the oil filling cap opening. But this is completely wrong if you fill it till the cap opening, then other serious problems like whitish blue smoke from tailpipe and oil entering in intercooler will occur.
3. Brake Oil
Before going forward there is a WARNING Please do not open the brake fluid reservoir's cap very frequently. By doing so, you are actually letting the moisture and dirt entering into the brake system which ultimately affects the quality of the brake oil. Maintaining the level and quality of the brake oil is very important to make the brakes work efficiently and accurately.
How to check?
In order to check the level, there are 2 marks lower and upper just below the filling cap. The oil level must be between these marks.
CAUTION: Do not ever allow the brake oil to fall below the minimum level mentioned, if this happens then the air will enter into the system and the overall braking efficiency decreases.
We have to take care of this while doing bleeding of the brake fluids.
When to change?
- When the color of the oil becomes dark.
- When pedal feels or operates spongy while braking.
- When the brake pedal travel increases.
NOTE: Soon we will be writing about brake fluid bleeding
4. Engine Bay Washing
Many times when we visit the car washing center and there when we ask the person to wash the engine bay with water at that time if he is not a professional or has less experience, he will hesitate to do so. Actually, his hesitation is quite understandable, spraying water may damage some of the engine parts like sensors and other electrical systems. So always take your vehicle to the authorized professional washing center. And please do not wash your car's engine bay at home or before washing learn how to do it from professionals.

Real life problem: People often compaint about the check engine light blinking on their dashboard. In this case there can be a genuine problem also in the sensors or in the electrical parts of car. But if you are seeing check engine light after your visit to washing center, then there is a strong chances that this has happened due to water entering in some of the sensors. This can be resolved by itself also when the water gets evaporated. But like this it can affect some other parts also.
Tip: So for the safer side if you are washing your car at home, then clean the engine bay by wiping with a wet cloth that too on the upper surface only.